Creatively Resolve Conflict 

Carol’s philosophy and approach to conflict resolution and communication is to return to the center of the matter, through conscious listening. This is not always a simple, obvious or easy choice because the tendency toward wanting it to be ‘my way’, is deeply ingrained . It takes personal commitment, a genuine willingness to understand ourselves, the other and recognition of our connectedness to seek win for all outcomes.

"It takes personal commitment, a genuine willingness to understand, ourselves"

In this work, Carol incorporates the teachings of Thomas Crum, The Magic of Conflict: Turning a Life of Work into a Work of Art and Dr. Gary Simmons, The I of the Storm: Embracing Conflict, Creating Peace and The Conscious Leadership Group approaches. These mentors understand that we are interconnected, that opposites are relational and harmony is achievable. Carol will help you clarify and create pathways toward the outcomes you want.

Win for All Outcomes are Possible

Get ready to create a new future.

Creatively Resolve Conflict Workshops, Speaking and
One on One Coaching sessions available. 

Contact Carol to explore the best options for you! 
Contact Carol
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